Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Federal Emergency Management Agency funded the Multi-Jurisdiction Local Hazard Mitigation Plan which was prepared by the City of Bettendorf and approved by the City Council with the guidance of Scott County and the Bi-State Regional Commission. The intent of the Hazard Mitigation Plan is to provide anticipatory solutions to manmade and natural disasters.  14 potential disasters more common to this area are listed in the Plan, with measures necessary to be taken for each potential disaster. Probability, Magnitude/Severity, Warning Time, Duration and Risk are given weighted values to determine which occurrences pose the greatest threat.  2017 was the date of this plan being updated from the original version in 2012.

Plan Adoption, Plan Process, Risk Assessment, Mitigation Strategy, Plan Maintenance Process and Appendices are the major sections of the Hazardous Mitigation Plan.

The following table lists all considered natural hazards ranked from highest to lowest score as
described in the Hazard Scoring Methodology in this publication.
2017 Ranked Hazards

Thunderstorm, Lightning, Hail
Flash Flood
Grass and Wildland Fires
Levee Failure
Severe Winter Storm
Extreme Heat
River Flood
Expansive Soils

Multi-Jurisdiction Mitigation Actions in the Plan list the status of each community in identifying and preparing mitigating actions.